
My name is Dario and I am a Software Engineer from Germany. Mostly programming in Elixir & Rust.

I am curious about traditional financial systems and the following topics/questions should give you an idea what I am interested in/what I do not know (which is a lot!):

I always say programming is like Lego just for adults which is probably why I love programming so much as I was playing 24/7 Lego with my little brother as a kid.

Out side of work I like to run, listen to music, movies, read books (sometimes, I got lazy) and eat all the food all cultures in this world have to offer.

There is not a lot of things I am good at but I am pretty decent at programming & explaining programming. So if you ever need help - I heard nowadays even medicine/business students are taking data science courses and learn programming in R/Python - my mailbox is always open.

The basics of programming are really not that complicated. You only need to speak english. The entry is just a bit hard.