Personal Bucketlist

Stuff I want to do in my life:

  1. Run a marathon
  2. Learn some magic tricks
  3. Solve the rubiks cube ( I did it but I forgot the last step )
  4. Be able to draw proper objects & persons with a pencil
  5. Open a bar
  6. Have 2 cats
  7. Become a great cook
  8. Build a minimal data pipeline framework ala flink,spark (kinda did at work)
  9. Write an interpreter & compiler
  10. Help other people. Maybe voluntary help kids in school learn programming or so.
  11. Be funny in English, not only in German
  12. Some fun rasperry pi project. Maybe build a smart mirror?
  13. Fill my wardrobe with good clothes
  14. Have a small wine collection
  15. Find a city to settle down
  16. Get close to a sixpack
  17. Do 100 pushups (my record is 78)
  18. Run 21km in under 2h
  19. Go diving
  20. Get better at matching colours, develop a better fashion sense ( I think I am not too bad but I could be better )
  21. Be more confident